Year 5 Holiday Homework
Year 5 Holiday Homework – due Monday 27th February 2017
Topic Project:
What is a biome?
Choose one biome to answer the question.
Answer this question however you wish.
Create a powerpoint.
Design a poster.
Make a model.
Present your findings any way you would like.
Maths – Complete 1, 2 and 3 rounding activities. If you would like to challenge yourself further, you can have a go at part 4.
English – Complete reading comprehension.
Spellings – Write a sentence for each of these words:
- Accommodate
- Accompany
- According
- Achieve
- Aggressive
- Amateur
- Ancient
- Apparent
- Appreciate
- Attached
Mathletics – Don’t forget to keep going on it
Reading journals – Complete at least one task during the holiday
KIRFs – Make sure you are practicing your KIRFs.
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