Meet The Team:


Miss Waugh:

I have been teaching for thirteen years in the EYFS, having previously worked as a Nursery Nurse for 15 years in a number of schools in Bradford. I decided that teaching was my future and studied for my Bachelor of Educations Hons at Leeds University. I have worked in three Bradford schools since qualifying as a teacher and moved to join Wibsey Primary School in September 2022, taking the EYFS Lead role, supporting Mrs Ellis-Barker, our Phase Leader and Assistant Head in developing EYFS at Wibsey. I currently teach in Nursery, which I love! It is a real joy to welcome our children and support them in the first step of their education. We both strive to improve our practise through Continual Professional Development, sharing our knowledge with our team, in order to improve the experience of all the children we teach. Our ambition for our children is that they leave the EYFS with all the skills and knowledge they need to continue their journey at Wibsey Primary School. We want our children to feel safe, happy and confident and to achieve their full potential.

Our Nursery Enviroment

Parent Information

School Prospectus

Speech and Language

Toilet Training

Early Maths

Early Phonics

Fab Five Books

50 Things to do before you’re five

Medium Term Plans

Long Term Plan


Parent Workshop 21/11/2024