Reading in Year 4

Dive in to a good book with Year 4!

Year 4 Book of the Term

The Waterhorse


The story began with a mysterious egg being washed up on a Scottish beach. The next morning, after a great strom, the main characters – Kirstie and her brother Angus found the egg and took it home. The next day, it had hatched in to a tiny greeny-grey creature with a horse’s head, warty skin, four flippers and a crocodile’s tail! The baby sea monster quickly became the family pet, but the trouble is, it just doesn’t stop growing!

While we have been reading The Waterhorse we have done a lot of work around it. We’ve written letters to the childrens’ dad, who works away at sea, and have pretended to be the children finding the egg and written diary entries. We even used the descriptive words in the novel and our Imagining Muscle to draw some pictures of The Waterhorse. Some of us have also created posters advertising the book, because we would really recommend it!


Other books we would recommend are:


Some of us have used our reading journals and done a lot of the activities in them and here is a list of what just one of us has done in only 3 weeks and how many books this person has read! Keep up the good work!