Nursery Spring News


The spring term has been very busy. We have welcomed several children to the Nursery and it has been lovely to see how quickly they have all settled, and starting to make new friends. The staff feel very proud of the way in which other children have looked after their new friends.

Everyone enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated by the Chinese community. Some children helped to re-enact the traditional story of the animals competing in a swimming race, to decide who should have the year named after them; whilst others helped to create a fantastic dragon model. The dragon was used to perform a dance for the Nursery parents and the children in Key Stage 1.

The children enjoyed using chopsticks to eat noodles and prawn crackers at snack time; it definitely wasn’t as easy as it looked.


Lots of children have now received their Marshall, Everest and Rocky ‘Paw Patrol’ certificates, and are well on the way to changing their library books 20 times. This means that they will achieve their Zuma book voucher, which can be exchanged for a book of their choice from the school book shop.

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