PE Days

Year 1

PE days

Class 1.1: Friday

Class 1.2: Tuesday

Class 1.3: Tuesday

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their school PE uniform on their designated day.


In addition to their class PE slot, children will have additional PE as part of the PPA provision. Please see the table below for the additional days for your child during the first half term

Extra PE dates:

Monday 2nd September – 1.2 1.3

Monday 9th September – 1.1 1.2

Monday 16th September – 1.1 1.3

Monday 23rd September – 1.2 1.3

Monday 30th September – 1.1 1.2

Monday 7th October – 1.1 1.3

Monday 14th October – 1.2 1.3

Monday 21st October – 1.1 1.2


Year 2- Autumn 1

Class 2:1 Friday

Class 2:2 Wednesday

Class 2:3 Friday

In addition to their class PE slot, children will have additional PE on a Thursday as part of the PPA provision. Please see the table below for the additional days for your child during the first half term.

05.09.2024 2.2 & 2.3

12.09.2024 2.1 & 2.2

19.09.2024 2.3 & 2.1

26.09.2024 2.2 & 2.3

03.10.2024 2.1 & 2.2

10.10.2024 2.3 & 2.1

17.10.2024 2.2 & 2.3

24.10.2024 2.1 & 2.2

Year 3

PE days

3.1 – Every Thursday

3.2 – Every Wednesday

3.3 – Every Wednesday


Additional PE days

Autumn 1 P.E.
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 3.1
Tuesday 10th September 2024 3.2
Tuesday 17th September 2024 3.3
Tuesday 24th September 2024 3.1
Tuesday 1st October 2024 3.2
Tuesday 8th October 2024 3.3
Tuesday 15th October 2024 3.1
Tuesday 22nd October 2024 3.2


Year 4

PE Days
Every Thursday
Every Thursday
Every Thursday


Year 5

Year 5 P.E days will be on a Friday.

Additional PE dates (Up to December)

4/9/24 – 5.1

11/9/24 – 5.2

18/9/24 – 5.3

25/9/24 – 5.1

2/10/24 – 5.2

9/10/24 – 5.3

16/10/24 – 5.1

23/10/24 – 5.2

6/11/24 – 5.3

13/11/24 – 5.1

20/11/24 – 5.2

27/11/24 – 5.3

4/12/24 – 5.1

11/12/24 – 5.2

18/12/24 – 5.3

Swimming kit to be brought in every Thursday.


Year 6

6.1 – Every Wednesday

6.2 – Every Monday

6.3 – Every Wednesday

Additional PPA PE Dates

03/09/24 – 6.1

10/09/24 – 6.2

17/09/24 – 6.3

24/09/24 – 6.1

01/10/24 – 6.2

08/10/24 – 6.3

15/10/24 – 6.1

22/10/24 – 6.2