Safer Internet Day – Parent Packs

Safer Internet Day – Parent Packs

Tuesday 5th February | No comments yet

Across school, the pupils are taking part in activities linked with staying safe on the Read more…

Cooking club

Saturday 2nd February | No comments yet

This week, Cooking club made spaghetti and cheese nests and homemade meatballs. They were delicious Read more…

Year 5 Gurdwara Visit

Tuesday 29th January | No comments yet

As part of our RE curriculum, we have been learning about the Sikh faith. We Read more…

Fire Safety

Monday 28th January | No comments yet

The West Yorkshire Fire Service have been in school today teaching Year 5 about Fire Read more…

Fantastic Year 4 Homework

Monday 7th January | No comments yet

  Thank you for your lovely homework. The year 4 team are delighted with the Read more…

Sporting Competitions Update

Thursday 20th December | No comments yet

The children here at Wibsey Primary School have once again enjoyed a hugely successful term Read more…

Year 5 and 6 Raffle Winners for Autumn

Wednesday 19th December | No comments yet

Congratulations to Niamh (Year 5) and Eloise (Year 6) Well done to all the pupils Read more…

Year 6 Holiday Homework

Wednesday 19th December | No comments yet

History topic homework Next term our topic will be Ancient Greece. To kick start our Read more…

Year 5 Holiday Homework

Wednesday 19th December | No comments yet

Due Thursday 3rd January 2019 Vocabulary/Spellings to learn: Mathletics Complete the activities set for you Read more…

Year 4 Holiday Homework

Tuesday 18th December | No comments yet

The Year 4 teachers would like to thank all the parents and carers for the Read more…